Monday, December 18, 2006

Jake & Spot Nominate Karen C.

Hey this is Jake and Spot here. We were thinking about nominating our mommy but we thought that we would nominate someone else. We are going to nominate someone who we think really deserves it. This mommy has three kitties of her own. We all know how expensive and time consuming we can be. Yet this food lady takes so much time and money to help other kitties. She has helped some of our friends that were intruding at our house. Plus she has helped others. Without her there probably be some of our friends that would still be living who knows where. So I guess we will tell you who this person is, but first let me say there are many people we would like to nominate but we had to pick one. I don't want any of the people who are now new mommies to feel left out. All the people who rescued a kitty should have their own awards. Well we are here to nominate Karen C. - she is the servant of Grr, Midnight and Cocoa. She has been trying so hard to help out getting the lost kitties found. There are many happy kitties and beans alike because she has helped with the rescue effort. I know there are more people to nominate and we don't want them to feel unappreciated because they are not. Karen has really been there from the beginning, for all the ones she has helped. So we think that Grr, Midnight and Cocoa's servant should win the food lady award!



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