Monday, December 18, 2006

Big Bad Baby Twinkle nominates hur Meowmie

I am nominating my Meowmie "Ace" for the Food Lady/Dude/Purrson of the Yeer Award.

My name iz Big Bad Baby Twinkle:

i like to eet. Meowmie iz my favrit Foodie Purrson becuz she feeds me but duz not free-feed me or I would be an big as a Vee Dub by now. Wat she duzzint know iz dat I call Dominoze for Pounce pizzas as soon as Meowmie is owt da door and on her way to wirk evvry morning -- snort snort!!

Meowmie's name is ACE. She iz frum da Bronx but she don't live there ennymore.

When she was 14, she fowndid a liddle tiny kidden in da Bronx and naimed hur Pee Wee becuz she was sooo tiny. She raised Pee Wee using milk and pablum and a liddle dolls bottle. Ace was da kind of gurlie who usta fight and play baseball and go fishin' and all dat kinda stuff so she was kinda embarassed to hafta go to da store and ask for a doll bottul but da guy in da store he was very kind. So Ace raised Pee Wee and then da Big MEAN mama of Ace sed dat they wuz leevin da Bronx and Pee Wee cuddint come with them. Ace's Mama also sed Pee Wee would NOT be spayed. So Ace had to leeve PeeWee in da Bronx with a lady who let all her cats live in her bakk yard and none of them was fixed. Ace's heart was terribly BROKIN. Wenn Pee Wee died 4 years later, PeeWee came to say goodbye to Ace, even tho they were 300 miles apart. Frum then on Ace became a Spay/neuter and Humane Educashun advocate.

For the past ten years Ace has been sending out "Pet Care" packajis to peepul who take care of strays AND to peepul hoo need a LIDDLE more edducayshun on how to be KIND to aimals.

Now Ace uses the internet mostly and she has been able to recently help sumwun in annuder state, that she never met (ekksept over the phone), to get her 4 cats spayed and reskewed.

Ace is also one of dose peepul dat cats and dogs (and even 2 luvbirds) come up to to get reskewed. So now she carries a small but helful pet reskew kit with her wherever she goes. And LOTS of bizness cards that politely promote proper pet care.

Ace also took the Animals in Disasters courses (FEMA is NOT a bad wird!) and CERT training (on-line), CPR for hoomans AND animals (wunss she saved hur belovid Miss Princess kitty from choaking, and wunss she revived a drowndid ladybug-- dont laff) ; she awlso took De-fibrillator and NIMS traning (6 hour class). Why did she do these things? Just becuz she tries to be a responsibul citizen of da earth and she wants to do all she can while she is on dis earth.

Ace is just an ordinerry hooman beeing hoo beleeves dat Animals have gotten bad treetment for too meny yeerz and she iz dedicating herself to help edewcate peepul in a nice way. She thanks Pee Wee for much of this inspirayshun. She trooly beleevz dat "A Nation is known by the way it treats its animals". She awlso makes pin on buttons dat say things like "Spay and Neuter" and summa them also have pikshas of resekwed pets on them, or just funny sayings and she sends them to peepul hoo reskew animals so they can use em for fund raisers to make munny. She collekt cat and dog food cewponz and sends em to reskewers all over da nayshun.

Ace is on a tite budjit but she beleevs dat we are all here for wun anuther, so she duz da best she can.

Here's da link to my Catster profile:

You can see links to PeeWee and Princess and dat ***Laaady***, Cee Cee too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay for your Meowmie!

12/23/2006 01:17:00 AM  

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