Sunday, December 17, 2006

We Love Owr Papa and Yoo Shood Too!

We are nominating our Papa for the Food Dood of the Yeer Award.

Our names are: OC & Carma

OC heer:

If yoo read my Mama's Tail of Devoshun, yoo should planely see why I love her so. But, my Papa, he really dint wunt to have anuther cat in the howse. But then Petey (the cat who came before) wint away unexpektedly over the Rainbow Brige. Papa was always nice to me but he just woodent let me inside. Then when it got cold owtside and Mama kride, he let me stay in their car house and made a big bed with a nice big lite that made me warm. After I got sick, he let Mama and the V-E-T help get me better and live inside. He's got a grate belly that he lets me yooz for a bed and he lets me lik his face like Skeezix's Mr. TF. He makes shoor I get my medicines every day that I need them. He lets me eet his fud (sumtimz). He always stays on the other side ov the bathroom door while I get the monster under the door. He plays Get the Foot with me, whenever I wunt too, even if he'll be late fer werk. He always picks me up and talks to me like I'm his best frend. I luv my Papa as yoo can planely see in owr piktur.

om: Carma
The Man rescued me from the pound a long, long time ago. We were both skinnier then. He used to let me outside but one time, after he took me to a new house he'd been living in just before he moved into a different house with the Lady. I ran off to check some stuff out and couldn't remember how to get back home. The Lady had told him he shouldn't let me out until I was used to where I was, but he didn't listen and I was gone for 3 whole weeks. I went on a wild adventure that we can't discuss here but the Lady told me that the Man cried and cried because I was gone. He also put up signs everywhere and would go walking around calling for me, but I never heard him. I finally found home the day before they moved into the new house and he was so happy he cried and didn't care who saw. I don't get to go outside anymore and so I've gotten a little fluffier. But he doesn't care that I'm fat, and loves me just the same. I'd love him more if he'd feed me more, but he won't. He always takes time to love on me even if he's busy. He gets very busy but I know how much he loves us all and we're grateful for him.

OC's Catster Page:
Carma's Catster Page:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, you's lucky to haf such a wonnerful Papa :) We can tell he luvs yall lots and lots :) Does he got a brovver we can haf for a Papa? hehehe

12/17/2006 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger tiggerprr said...

We would like to use our extra vote for Jeter Harris' dad.

OC & Carma

12/19/2006 11:27:00 AM  
Blogger tiggerprr said...

Oh and Sanjee,

Nope, Papa was the only one in his litter.

12/19/2006 11:27:00 AM  

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