Saturday, December 16, 2006

Mom Robyn is OUR Food Lady of the Yeer

Vote for Mom Robyn!

We (Boni Maroni and Mini) are nominating for Mom Robyn for Food Lady Yeer Award. She gets OUR Food Lady of the Yeer Award anyways, but it'd be cool if she gotted purrizes too cuz she's SOOPER!

Thirteen Reasons Mom Robyn
is Food Lady of the Yeer
says Boni and Mini

1. She rescued us from starving!

2. She always takes care of us even when she's feeling green.

3. She has a song for each of us that she sings to us purrsonally.

4. She shares her ice cream and her hamm with us.

5. She has a great lap and lets us sit on it even when she's werking.

6. She helps lotsa other kitties and beans who need help too.

7. She sits up at night with us if we're sick.

8. She makes sure we always have fresh crunchies and fresh water.

9. Temp-tay-shuns!!! She gives us Temp-tay-shuns!

10. She spoils us but not so much the V-E-T puts us on diets (yet).

11. She buys our organic NIP by the POUND!

12. She gives the best scritches and rubs ever.

13. She loves each of us best. (She tells us so!)

Well, really our list was longer. Like, we could have added that she makes sure all 5 of us have a food bowl so that we can all eat at one time without sharing, and she rescued our sisfurs and brofur too, and she spends lotsa time helping out with our bloggy and the Cat Blogosphere, and she makes cat joolry cuz she thinks we're so great, and she did the Cat Blogosphere calendar to help our furriends, and she says lotsa purrayers for our furriends and their families, when they get sick, and she takes nip and toys to the kitties at the local no-kill Ess Pee See Ay and gives them moneys efurry month, and she thinks kitty memorials are just as impawtant and bean ones, and she always makes sure we have company if she has to go somewhere for a couple days, and she only maded us learn just enough manners that guests don't get mad at us, and she trains pretty good like she learned fast to give us our treats when we sit, and she got us nice heated beds, and she helped Boni send her Tuxie gangster Edsel his heated bed, and oh gosh we better stop. We just know she's the bestest food lady we could ever have had, and she gets OUR Food Lady of the Yeer Award no matter what.

Our bloggy (that Mom Robyn!!! helped us make):


Blogger KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Well, if she doesn't win the contest -- and she should -- let's nominate her for Sainthood!

12/17/2006 07:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Mom sounds *wonderful!

12/23/2006 01:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our other vote(s) are for Libby's Mommy.

12/24/2006 01:28:00 PM  

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