Kontest Roolz and How to Enter
Nominayshuns are now being aksepted for the 1st annual Skeezix the Cat's Food Lady/Food Dude of the Yeer Award.
Have yer peepul dun sumthing ixsepshunul to make them TOPS in yer eyes? Heer's yer chanse to thank them!
- A "Food Lady/Food Dude of the Yeer Award" Trofeey
- $50 Amazon Gift Sertifikit
- Sponsership of a Best Frends Cat in yoo or yer Food Lady/Dude's name
- Whirly-bird Cat Toy for the cat hoo nominaytid yoo
- Win thare choice of eether a Skeezix the Cat morfing mug or a Skeezix the Cat 2007 kalinder.
A name will be chozin at randum frum the non-finulists and reeseeve the following:
- Sponsership of a Best Frends Cat in yoo or yer Food Lady/Dude's name
- Choice of eether a Skeezix the Cat Morfing Mug or 2007 Skeezix the Cat Kalinder
For evry entry in the kontest (up to a max of 50 entreeez), I will donate $1 eech to Brandi, Oreo, and Libby Marie. Brandi's mom is owt of werk, Oreo's Mom has huge peepul-vet bills and Oreo is trying to help owt, and Libby Marie has big vet bills. So, just by entering yoo can help owt a cat in need! If thare are 50 entreez, Brandi, Oreo and Libby Marie will EECH git $50.
For evry entry in the kontest (up to a max of 50 entreeez), I will donate $1 eech to Brandi, Oreo, and Libby Marie. Brandi's mom is owt of werk, Oreo's Mom has huge peepul-vet bills and Oreo is trying to help owt, and Libby Marie has big vet bills. So, just by entering yoo can help owt a cat in need! If thare are 50 entreez, Brandi, Oreo and Libby Marie will EECH git $50.
- It can be as long or short as yoo like. Any format -- inclooding a storey, poem, fotos, videeyos, lists, rap song.
- To submit a nominayshun, yoo must be a cat with a blog (that has posts prior to 1 Dec 2006) OR a Catster profile. (Bin meening to start a blog or join Catster? Now's the time! And, both Blogger and Catster are FREE.)
- Evry cat hoo submits a nominayshun gits one extra vote, to be posted in the comments feeld of the nominayshun.
- I can change the roolz anytime I wunt becuz it's my kontest.
- Go to blogger.com
- Sine in to blogger using username: frendofskeezix and pw: skeezix.
- Klik the Food Lady/Dude of the Yeer Award Blog link.
- Klik "Create new post" link in the dark bloo box under the tabs
- Rite yer nominayshun. Be shoor to say hoo yer nominayting, and provide a link to yer blog or Catster profile.
- Win yer done, publish yer post.
- Clik "view blog" to make shur yer entrey got publisht.
December 18th at 11:59pm. Yoo can enter later, but yoo run the risk of not gitting on the ballut.
December 19th - 24th (Ballut will be taken down win the Food Lady and Mr TF git home frum midnite Mass arownd 2:30 am on 12/25.)
The top five vote-getters will become finulists, and the winner will be chozen frum the finulists by a committee konsisting of Skeezix the Cat, Mao, Rocky the Gutter Cat and Trip the psyko stray cat.
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Freeqwintly Askt Qweschuns
Q: Thare are a bunch of cats in owr famly. Can we eech submit seprit nominayshuns for the same Food Lady/Food Dude?
A: The same persun can only be nominayted once in a singul entrey. So, in that singul entry, eech cat can explane why s/he thinks thare food lady/food dude shood win.
Q. Can I only nominate MY persun, or can I nominate sumwun else?
A. Yoo can nominate anywun yoo like. For ixzampul, Grr cood nominate KC's mom for taking such good care of KC after she got so sik frum her ladygardenectomy, and Midnight mite nominate Princess Zippy's mom for selling a car to pay for OC's vet bills. And Cocoa cood nominate thare own Food Lady.
Q. My persun is the best food lady EVER, but she hasn't done anything heroic like saving me frum a berning bilding or donayting a kidney to me or anything. Shood I even bother nominayting her?
A. Tell yer story, no matter how big or small. I'm shur s/he'd love reeding it. Remember --- I'll donate $1 eech to Brandi, Oreo and Libby Marie for eech entry.
Q. Can anybuddy submit a nominayshun?
A. Only cats hoo have blogs with posts prior to 1 December 2006, OR Catster profiles may enter nominayshuns.
Q. Can anybuddy vote?
A. Anywun with a valid emale adress can vote. For cat households hoo share an emale adress, yoo can emale yer votes to me and I'll enter them manyully.
Q. My Food Lady is kind of a privit persun. Do I have to tell evrybuddy whut her name is?
A. Nope. I don't even know my Food Lady's name, wich is why I call her the Food Lady.